Neglected Assets

From many stories heard from the experience of people who have undergone independent business, where the ending expected with the business bore fresh and big fruit, but in reality, the fruit was not large, even rotten, and even the tree wither away which eventually collapses or dead, with no news. From all the experiences of […]

Burnt Because You Overcook

Again the stacked newspapers were brought to the table, followed by searching for magazines, tabloids, and books that have long been piled up in the house. Turned back and forth, looked for articles about the business to find the right ingredients. Hoping there will be courage emerged inside to open a business. Still, it is […]

Mau dibawa kemana bisnis anda?

Ketika kita mempunyai keinginan dengan segala ide-ide dalam memulai wirausaha yang paling utama dilakukan adalah mecari bisnis yang cocok dengan kondisi diri kita dan keluarga. Kecocokan jenis bisnis yang akan kita geluti tentunya telah dilakukan penilaian dari banyak sudut seperti kondisi modal, keinginan, pengetahuan, lokasi, pengalaman, dukungan dan mungkin adanya coach namun kadang kita lupa […]