Koflo Clear PVC Static Mixer

Koflo Static Mixer Koflo Corporation didirikan pada tahun 1983 dengan tujuan menawarkan pencampur statis(Static Mixer) berkualitas tinggi dengan harga kompetitif dan komitmen berorientasi keluarga terhadap layanan dan kepuasan pelanggan. Melalui dedikasi konstan pada prinsip-prinsip ini selama lebih dari dua puluh lima tahun, Koflo telah menjadi pemimpin dalam industri mixer statis global. Menanggapi meningkatnya kebutuhan untuk […]


The Komax Triple Action Mixer provides the highest level of mixing of any static mixer. These “In Stock” mixers feature very high mixing efficiency with short mixing length. The Komax motionless mixer achieves high efficiency through triple action mixing. They are designed for use where additives to the main pipeline flow have already been introduced […]

Komax Static Wafer Mixer

Static Mixer | Liquid Mixer | Komax Mixer static When pipeline space is limited for installing a traditional static mixer, the patented Komax Wafer Type Static Mixer solves space and mixing problems. The Wafer mixer can be installed between the two pipe flanges in the main water stream. Komax Wafer Static Mixer offers advantages over […]