Featuring 6 digits of bright, 7-segment LED displays, the Intellect-69 is an integrating totalizer/ratemeter which accepts analog signal inputs. The unit can be field programmed to accept 4-20mA, 0-20mA, 0-5V, 0-10V or 1-5V signals. An optional Square Law input is available for inputs that require square root extraction. A 4-20mA output option is available to […]
The Intellect-69PM2 is a process monitor that accepts analog signal inputs and has a featuring 41/2 digits of bright, 7-segment LED displays. The unit can be field programmed to accept 0-20mA, 4-20mA, 0-5V, 0-10V or 1-5V signals. Two assignable setpoints are standard for high/low alarm outputs. The high and low scaling settings (-9999 to 49999) […]
Pengontrol Proses dan Suhu Generasi baru berbahan rendah mikroprosesor PID berbasis seri Fuzzy logic controller menggabungkan dua Layar LCD yang mudah dibaca yang menunjukkan nilai Proses (PV) dan Nilai set point (SP). Teknologi Fuzzy Logic yang tergabung dalam seri pengontrol ini memungkinkan proses untuk mencapai titik setel yang telah ditentukan dalam waktu singkat dengan minimum […]