Again the stacked newspapers were brought to the table, followed by searching for magazines, tabloids, and books that have long been piled up in the house. Turned back and forth, looked for articles about the business to find the right ingredients. Hoping there will be courage emerged inside to open a business. Still, it is […]
Two arguments that have always been a never-ending debate among Indonesian people with the majority of the people still poorly educated and narrow-minded. A: Ah, isn’t being entrepreneur is better because having your own business means you are free to set your own regulations and rules, free to govern others, free to choose your own […]
Pendahuluan Banyak dari kita berpikir untuk memulai belajar bisnis sebagai bekal di masa depan. Tapi sayang, banyak dari kita yang masih ragu untuk memulainya. Sebagai pemula, tentu kita akan merasakan yang namanya takut tak punya modal saat ingin belajar wirausaha. Merasa takut bila nanti bisnisnya tidak berhasil atau gagal di tengah jalan. Sementara untuk belajar […]