Many of us think of studying business is an investment for the future. But unfortunately, many of us are still hesitant to try. As a beginner, of course we will be afraid of not having enough money when they want to try running business, afraid of the business not going to succeed or fails midway. […]
Entrepreneurship Business When we heard that there will be a seminar about business what we do first is, register ourselves as a participant. Proudly, we attend the event from dusk until dawn, and in every session, with themes and information that already been determined, anything brought before us by the inteviewee or motivator that amaze our […]
Two arguments that have always been a never-ending debate among Indonesian people with the majority of the people still poorly educated and narrow-minded. A: Ah, isn’t being entrepreneur is better because having your own business means you are free to set your own regulations and rules, free to govern others, free to choose your own […]
Ketika kita mempunyai keinginan dengan segala ide-ide dalam memulai wirausaha yang paling utama dilakukan adalah mecari bisnis yang cocok dengan kondisi diri kita dan keluarga. Kecocokan jenis bisnis yang akan kita geluti tentunya telah dilakukan penilaian dari banyak sudut seperti kondisi modal, keinginan, pengetahuan, lokasi, pengalaman, dukungan dan mungkin adanya coach namun kadang kita lupa […]