The Seametrics PT2X-BV is a special version of the PT2X designed to measure barometric and vacuum pressure in reference to absolute pressure, along with temperature and time. It will measure pressure/vacuum from 600 to 1100 millibars. Pressure measurement is accomplished utilizing an extremely rugged and stable 15 PSIA piezo-electric media-isolated pressure element combined with a […]
The Seametrics PT2X Smart Sensor is an integrated data logger and pressure/temperature sensor and is ideal for monitoring groundwater, well, tank, and tidal levels, as well as for pump and slug testing. This sensor networks with all of the Seametrics Smart Sensor family. This industry-standard digital RS485 interface device records up to 520,000 records of […]
The Seametrics BaroSCOUT Smart Sensor is designed to measure barometric pressure, along with temperature. It is an ideal companion to our absolute pressure/level sensors and can be used to adjust their readings for atmospheric pressure. This industry-standard digital RS485 interface device records up to 50,000 records of pressure, temperature, and time data operates with low […]
Copal pressure Indicator, integrated production in-house from the semiconductor sensor elements to the final products. To Amp. built-in type from the module type, and even boasts a rich line-up such as the type which includes a switch function and indicators. Line with customer needs, a business structure that can fine-grained correspondence is also one of […]