Mobrey Ultrasonic Level Transmitters are your cost-effective solution for reliable level measurement instrumentation. The Mobrey MSP Series can be used for virtually all level measurements (at atmospheric pressure), and are ideal for mounting over liquid surfaces in tanks or open channel flow. Model options offer HART communication, relay outputs and hazardous area certification. All models have LCD display and push button configuration.
Ultrasonic pulse signals are transmitted and reflected from the liquid surface. The transmitter ‘listens’ for reflected signals (echoes) and measures the time-delay between transmitting and receiving. The distance to the liquid surface is automatically calculated using the computed time-delay. An integral temperature sensor continuously measures the air temperature around the transmitter. It then computes the speed of sound in air, automatically compensating the Distance for temperature effects. The MSP400RH and MSP900GH have a Remote Temperature Sensor option.
The distance measurement can be sent through the 4–20 mA or HART® output.
- Learn routine (false echo registration): The transmitter can learn to ignore up to four false echoes
caused by the pulse signal reflecting off obstructions, until the actual level is seen. - Empty tank mapping: When a tank is empty, the transmitter can learn to ignore up to four false echoes, without the need for user interaction.
- Present depth: The bottom reference can be automatically set using a known user-entered depth.
- Set as empty: When the tank is empty, the bottom reference can be automatically reset to the measured distance.
- Distance offset: The distance to the surface can be adjusted by a user-entered positive or negative offset value.
- Level offset: The level can be adjusted by a user-entered positive or negative offset value
- Bottom blanking: The transmitter can be set to ignore an area of the tank
bottom to avoid false echoes from obstructions.
- Fast fit and commissioning for reduced start-up costs.
- Minimal maintenance costs with non-contacting technology.
- Ideal for level, contents, volume, or open channel flow applications.
- Two-wire loop-powered with Intrinsic Safety (IS) hazardous are certification.
- Routine level measurement up to 40 ft. (12 m).
- Local operator interface or remote programming
- Inert process-wetted materials for use with corrosive materials.
- Easy configuration with Mobrey MCU900 Series Universal Controller
Storage tank levels, open channel flow, effluent pits, reservoir level, buffer tanks, and more
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Read More:https://inaparts.com/level-measurement/msp422-msp400rh-msp900gh-ultrasonic-transmitter/