Onicon Flow Energy and Measurement

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Onicon Flow Energy and Measurement | Introduction

ONICON adalah brand flow and energy measurement yang berdiri sejak tahun 1987. Selama ini secara eksklusif fokus  pada memberikan aliran rekayasa kualitas dan instrumen pengukuran flow dan energi untuk sistem heat energy dan cooling .

Teknologi produk flow meter brand onicon  meliputi: elektromagnetic, turbine, ultrasonic, termal mass, dan vortex serta perhitungan heat energy (BTU meter) pada sitem HVAC.

Product of Onicon Flow Measurement

Berikut Ini Produk dari brand Onicon :

Electromagnetic Flow Meter

Turbine Flow Meters

Ultrasonic Flow Meter

Thermal Mass Flow Meter

 Vortex Flow Meters

Heat Energy meter / BTU Meter

Flow Transmitter

Air Flow Measurement / HVAC

Thermal Dispersion

  • ELECTRA-flo Thermal Airflow Measurement Probe Array
  • ELECTRA-flo/CM Thermal Airflow Measurement Station
  • ELECTRA-flo/SD Thermal Airflow & Temperature Measurement System
  • ELECTRA-flo/FI Thermal Fan Inlet Airflow Measurement Probe
  • VOLU-trol /E Thermal Measurement and Control Station

Pitot Airflow Measurement

  • VOLU-probe Pitot Airflow Measurement Traverse Probe
  • VOLU-probe/VS Pitot Airflow Measurement Traverse Station
  • VOLU-probe/FI Pitot Fan Inlet Airflow Measurement Probe
  • FAN-E Pitot Airflow Measurement Station
  • VOLU-trol /F Measurement and Control Station

ref :  www.onicon.com

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