McCrometer is a leading global flow instrumentation specialist. We specialize in the design, manufacture, installation and testing of flow metering solutions. Instrument, process, facility and consulting engineers worldwide have confidently chosen McCrometer’s flow meters for more than 60 years.
Our application engineers, researchers, and designers apply their expertise in flow physics and real-world operating dynamics. The results are some of the most accurate, innovative, and trusted flow meters on the market. Our ISO certified manufacturing facilities and quality control systems are the foundation for being a trusted supplier to fit every customer’s need in diverse markets such as aerospace, agriculture irrigation, chemical and petrochemical, food and beverage, metals and mining, municipal water and wastewater, oil and gas, pharmaceutical, power utilities, pulp and paper, semiconductor and more.
Differential Pressure Flow Meters
Many people believe cone meters only measure gas. They also measure steam and liquids in many industries including oil/gas, chemical, electric power, food & beverage, HVAC systems, metals and mining, pulp and paper, water and wastewater treatment, and more. As you consider the requirements of what you need to measure, look for solutions that give you accurate results which are compatible with the demanding standards set by the industry.
While it’s very common for cone meter’s to be called a V-Cone, McCrometer, Inc. invented and patented the first successful cone meter, the one and only V-Cone® Flow Meter, in 1985. Today, there are over 75,000 McCrometer V-Cone flow meters installed worldwide, and the total number continues to grow each year. V-Cone flow meters have been deployed in the world’s highest pressure systems, up to 15,000 psi, and over 1,000 V-Cone flow meters protect gas compressors from dangerous and damaging high pressure surging flow conditions in an application called, “anti-surge.” They are found at ocean depths of 10,000 feet in subsea modules, and on satellites in space. And they are robust enough for use aboard US Naval warships.
The advanced V-Cone flow meter requires only 1-3 straight pipe diameters upstream and 0-1 downstream to operate effectively. And in comparison to traditional DP instruments such as orifice plates and venturi tubes, the V-Cone Flow Meter’s design is inherently more accurate because flow conditioning function is built into the basic instrument.
Whenever and wherever you need to measure, the McCrometer V-Cone Flow Meter meets many of the world’s most demanding industrial, safety and quality standards.