Brainchild Modbus IO Digital Modules

Jajaran baru modul io berbasis Modbus untuk akuisisi tanggal dan aplikasi lain tersedia sekarang. Modul-modul io ini menawarkan keandalan yang baik, solusi murah untuk aplikasi io yang didistribusikan. Mereka portabel, mudah diintegrasikan dengan jaringan Modbus yang ada, dan mudah digunakan untuk pengguna akhir. Berbagai jenis modul IO tersedia untuk berbagai jenis persyaratan. Semua modul IO […]

PR10 Paperless Recorders Brainchild

Description The PR10 Paperless Recorders Brainchild a low-cost paperless chart recorder with a built-in high resolution 4.3″ touchscreen display, 6 channels, plug & play IO cards, and internal Flash memory storage. Its compact size makes it a portable solution for laboratories, factories, and classrooms alike. Users can access onsite data either on the screen data […]

PR30 Paperless Chart Recorder Brainchild

Touchscreen Brainchild PR30 Description The new PR series paperless recorders are launched in full product range with outstanding specifications and features. PR series includes a low-cost PR10, a popular PR20, and a high-end PR30. Compared with the first generation VR series, PR series offers much more, for example, recorders in 4.3” & 12.1” displays in […]