Pemilihan jenis flow meter Flow meter adalah alat instrumentasi yang digunakan untuk mengukur aliran suatu fluida dalam sistem tertutup maupun terbuka seperti parit atau sungai. Sehubungan dengan banyaknya jenis flow meter yang tersedia serta aplikasi di lapangan, perlu adanya kriteria pemilihan type flowmeter. Agardalam memilih jenis flow meter memenuhi tujuan pemasangan flow sensor, baik dari segi fungsi […]
Seametrics EX115/215 Insert Electromagnetic is the source of its reliability. Brass and stainless steel models withstand a variety of temperatures, pressure, and chemical conditions. The EX-Series has no rotor to stop turning in dirty water and there are no bearings to wear out. Like all magnetic flow meters, when used in chemical injection applications, these […]
General Information Seametrics EX100/200 Insertion Electromagnetic Flow Meter is the source of its reliability. Brass and stainless steel models withstand a variety of temperatures, pressure, and chemical conditions. The EX-Series has no rotor to stop turning in dirty water and there are no bearings to wear out. Like all magmeters, when used in chemical injection […]