Penggunaan Flow meter Flow meter adalah alat instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengukur suatu fluida yang mengalir baik dalam aliran tertutup maupun terbuka. Flow meter mempunyai banyak jenis yang aplikasinya disesuaiakn dengan kebutuhan dan jenis fluida. Aplikasi flow meter yang banyak ditemui masyarakat biasanya untuk air dan bahan bakar. Untuk masyarakat umum, aplikasi flow meter untuk […]
Highly Accurate Flow Measurement Adopts the propagation time difference system. The time difference of the ultrasonic waves varies in proportion to the flow speed when the pair of sensors alternately and repeatedly emit and sense signals Features High Accuracy / Wide Flow Range High-accuracy (±1% RD (meter units)) Wide measuring range (flow rate range 1:40, […]
Highly Accurate Flow Measurement Adopts the propagation time difference system. The time difference of the ultrasonic waves varies in proportion to the flow speed when the pair of sensors alternately and repeatedly emit and sense signals Features High Accuracy / Wide Flow Range High-accuracy (±1% RD (meter units)) Wide measuring range (flow rate range 1:40, […]
Thermal Mass Flowmeter VA 500 Contrary to the previously used bridge circuit the newly developed evaluation electronics of our flow sensor records all measured values digitally. This leads to better accuracy also in case of large measuring spans of 1:1000. What are the advantages of our thermal mass flow meter technology? Even under pressure, the […]