Positive Displacement Flow Meter atau sering disebut dengan PD Flow Meter merupakan jenis flow meter yang mengukur volume atau flow rate gerakan fluida dengan membagi suatau ruangan media yang tetap dengan volume yang terukur. Positif perpindahan (PD) flowmeters membuat pengukuran aliran volumetrik mengambil kenaikan terbatas atau volume dari fluida. Sebuah analogi dasar akan memegang ember […]
The FT500 Series Seametrics Flow Batch Controls is a batching flow processor with additional output controls. It is designed for use with Seametrics flow meters and flow sensors, as well as other manufacturer’s products that have frequency output proportional to flow. Seametrics Batch Control In addition to batch functions, the FT500-Series Seametrics Flow Batch Controls […]
The WMP Series is a full-bore, plastic-bodied electromagnetic flowmeter designed for flow and usage monitoring applications in 1 and 2-inch pipe. The polypropylene flow tube offers corrosion resistance to a wide range of chemicals. It is lightweight and easy to install or remove from the pipe for inspection*. Features No moving parts Minimal straight pipe […]
The WMP Series flow meters are full-bore, plastic-bodied electromagnetic flowmeters designed for flow and usage monitoring applications in 1, 2 and 3-inch pipe. The polypropylene flow tube offers corrosion resistance to a wide range of chemicals and fertilizers. It is lightweight and easy to install or remove from the pipe for inspection*. With no moving […]