The KOBOLD Messring GmbH is one of the leading international instrumentation engineering enterprises specialized on monitoring, measuring and regulating the physical quantities of flow through, pressure, level and temperature. In order to measure the flow rates in industrial plants or to test the composition of the liquid flowing through, Kobold Messring GmbH has developed a […]
Here at Flow-Mon Ltd, we take great pride in our Flow Monitoring range of Products. We hope you will be able to find the Spinner, Rising Ball Sight Indicator, Spout, Spinner or Flap style Double Glass Window, or if you need an adjustable Flow Switch between 1/4″ (8mm) to 12″ (300mm) with a hi or […]
Fire pump test meter Pada sistem pemadam kebakaran kapasitas pompa biasanya disesuikan dengan persyaratan yang telah ditentukan. Pengecekan kapasitas sitem pemadam ini bisanya di ukur tentang flow rate dan pressurenya. Untuk flow rate biasanya menggunakan flow meter yang mempunyai sertifikat atau di approve oleh sistem pemadam kebakaran internasional. Flow meter pompa pemadam kebakaran merek gerand […]