Flow meter air jenis ultrasonic saat ini sangat digemari oleh para engineer bidang insturment khususnya jenis instalasi clamp on. Ini dkarenakan instalasinya yang cepat dan mudah. Cara instalasinya, tidak perlu memotong atau melubangi pipa, tapi transducer cukup ditempel pada permukaan luar pipa yang telah ditreatment. Flowmeter air Jenis ultrasonic Flowmasonic WUF 500 merupakan tipe flow […]
This flowmeter is a clamp-on type ultrasonic flow meter based on transit- time measuring method. Making full use of the latest electrics and digital signal processing technologies, we realized the equipment with improved anti-bubble performance high accuracy. The communication function (MODBUS: option) is also applicable. Baca juga: Flowmasonic WUF 500 Clamp-on Ultrasonic Flow Meter For […]
Fuji FLR Ultrasonic Flow Meter Time Delta Series M-Flow PW | Full Descriptions This flowmeter is a clamp-on type ultrasonic flow meter based on transit- time measuring method. Making full use of the latest electrics and digital signal processing technologies, we realized the equipment with improved anti-bubble performance high accuracy. The communication function (MODBUS: option) […]
Flexim- Fluxus G721 Clamp-on Ultrasonic Flowmeter For Gas | Setting Standards in Clamp-on Ultrasonic Gas Flow Measurement The FLUXUS G721 is a technological breakthrough in the ultrasonic clamp-on volume and mass flow measurement of gases. With its state-of-the-art hardware design and powerful digital signal processing, it surpasses any other non-intrusive ultrasonic gas flowmeter in terms […]