Seametrics Smart Sensors

Seametrics, a member of the TASI Flow Group, is a designer and manufacturer of a wide variety of flow metering and submersible sensor products. Since 1990 we have provided innovative solutions to users in irrigation, fracking, water treatment, groundwater, surface water, and chemical processing applications. Our products have a reputation for durability and accuracy at […]

LEEG PS858-TSR-H Monosilicon gauge pressure switch

PS858 mono silicon gauge pressure switch is a high-performance pressure transmitter with international leading technology meticulously designed by LEEG instrument, using  the world’s most advanced mono silicon pressure sensor technology and patent encapsulation technology. Monosilicon pressure sensor locates on the top of the metal body and stays away from the medium interface to realizes mechanical […]

Jenis level meter, cara kerja level sensor dan Level Switch

Difinisi Level meter Level meter adalah alat ukur untuk mngukur dan menentukan ketinggian suatu media baik itu media cair maupun solid seperti powder, biji-bijian atau pasir. Level meter mempunyai jenis yang beragam sesuai dengan type sensor level yang digunakan. Pada umumnya,  yang dikenal masyarakat adalah level sensor yang digunakan sebagai level switch seperti pada penampungan […]