The last ten years ultrasonic flow meter is very popular not only in the laboratory but also in many industries such as industrial water treatment, industrial wastewater treatment, food and beverage industry and chemical industry. Due to popular demand, Ultrasonic flow meter effective enough because the price is not too expensive and inexpensive installation costs […]
Flow meter ultrasonic adalah jenis flow meter untuk mengukur aliran suatu fluida dengan menggunakan ultrasound guna mendapatkan kecepatan aliran. Flow meter ultrasonic cara kerjanya didasrkan pada kecepatan, dimana gelombang ultrasonic ditransmisikan oleh transducer yang dilewati oleh media yang mengalir sehingga didapatkan kecepatan aliran yang dioleh oleh ultrasonic transmitter. Flow transmitter Ultrasonic akan menangkap dan mengolah […]
Water Leaks Detection FLOMIC FL5034 and FL5054 ultrasonic flow meters are intended for operational and invoicing measurements of instantaneous flow rate, pressure, and consumption in water piping in observance of standard EN 14154 in waterworks, water distribution systems, and other industrial applications. The features of the FLOMIC flow meters make them suitable for water leak detection and […]
Turbine Water Flow Meter TX Series | Seametrics Turbine Water Flow Meter TX100/200-Series are adjustable depth insertion turbines that come in brass or 316 stainless models to fit 3” to 40” pipe. Adapters mate with standard 1-1/2” (11x/21x) or 2” (15x/25x) FNPT threaded fittings such as saddles and weldolets which may be purchased either locally […]