Jenis Flow Meter Flow meter adalah alat instrumentasi guna mengukur aliran dari suatu fluida baik liquid ( liquid flowmeter), sludge ( sludge flow meter) maupun gas ( flow meter gas), baik bertemperatur rendah hingga temperatur tinggi. Dalam memilih flow meter harus disesuaikan dengan kondisi fluid dan fungsi flowmeter itu sendiri. Karakteristik dari fluida yang diukur oleh flow meter sangat luas mulai dari tingkat […]
Description Rheonik RHM15 Coriolis Flow Sensor is an all-purpose meter suitable for liquid processing plants. A wide application flow range capability allows for commonality of installation across numerous lines – a real benefit to owners and operators. Range: 0.5 kg/min up to 240 kg/min Pressure: up to 477 bar (6918 psi) Temperature: -196°C (-321°F) up […]
RHM08 Rheonik Coriolis Mass Flow Meter APPLICATIONS Typical application includes: General Flow Control High-Pressure Gas Dispensing Addicting Dosing Mixing and Batching Chemical Injection Package and Container Filling FEATURES The outstanding features include: Standard pressure rating up to 1254 bar (11458 psi) Temperature rating from -196 to 350 Deg C (-320 to 662 Deg F) Mass […]
Description Thermal mass flowmeters are most commonly used to measure the mass flow of clean gases, such as air, nitrogen, hydrogen, helium, ammonia, argon, and other industrial gases. Mixtures, such as flue stack flow and biogas flow, can be measured when their composition is known. An advantage of this technology is its dependence on thermal […]