Pengenalan Flow Meter Ultrasonic Ultrasonic flow meter (UFM) merupakan meter jenis inferensial (mengukur secara tidak langsung) yang menentukan kecepatan alir cairan (liquid flow rate) dengan mengukur waktu transit pulsa suara frekuensi tinggi (high-frequency sound pulses) yang melintasi pipa aliran. Ultrasonic transit time flow meter menggunakan transduser akustik (acustic transducer) yang dapat mengirim dan menerima pulsa […]
Deskripsi Flowmag WMAG30 Flow meter electromagnetic hanya bisa digunakan pada cairan air yang mempunyai konduktifitas tertentu dan rata rata flow meter electromagnetic akan bagus kerjanya jika di gunakan untuk air yang mempunyai konduktifitas diatas 20 micro siemens. Flow Meter flowmag WMAG30 merupakan jenis flow meter yang paling banyak dipakai untuk jenis caian yang dasanya adalah […]
Siargo Thermal Mass Flow Meter specializes in MEMS flow sensing technology and manufactures MEMS flow sensors, modules, and system products that are shipped worldwide. Our global technical team is working 24/7 and ready to provide timely solutions to your even very special requirements. Our patented low power and integrated flow system technology and know-how excel […]
Nanaboshi eletrical connnector new series is a waterproof connectors that are based on NRW that has been certified by UL・CSA standards. with a Grounding of prioritized contact structure, the Nanaboshi eletrical connnector NEW series is a connector suitable to be used in a wide variety of fields including semiconductor equipment and various outdoor equipment. Feature […]