Flow Meter Fittings from Seametrics insertion meters must be seated in fittings that match the pipe size and material. How to Order : Specify Part Number, Size Code, and Option Number (when appropriate).
Seametrics Fittings
Saddle-type fittings for IP800, TX800 and EX800-Series and IP and TX100-Series flowmeter.
Weld on fittings for IP800, TX800 and EX800-Series flowmeters.
Fittings for IP800, TX800 and EX800-Series flowmeters
- Large variety of mounting styles
- T-fittings, saddle fittings and weld fittings
- Material choices for any application
- Easy field installation & replacement
Select pipe size codes as follows :

Source : Seametrics.com
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Source: inaparts.com