Positive Displacement Flow Meter
Oval Gear Flow Meter is one type of Positive displacement flowmeter. They operate by repeatedly filling and emptying compartments of a known volume with a liquid. The flow rate is then calculated based on the number of times these compartments are filled and emptied. Given it’s immunity to the most vicious of fluids, the oval gear flow meter is ideally suited for measurement of viscous fluids or those with varying viscosities such as oils, syrups, and fuels.

Principles :
The design of the oval gear flow meter very simple; oval-shaped gear-toothed rotors rotate within a chamber of specified geometry. As these rotors turn, they sweep out and trap a very precise volume of fluid between the outer oval shape of the gears and the inner chamber walls with none of the fluid actually passing through the gear teeth.

Given it’s immunity to the most vicious of fluids, oval gear meter is ideally suited for measurement of viscous fluids or those with varying viscosities such as oils, syrups, and fuels. Ease of installation is another advantage of the oval design. Because no straight pipe runs or flow conditioning are required, oval gear meters can be installed in tight areas where alternate technologies would fail
Disadvantages :
Oval-gear meters are generally not recommended for water or water-like fluids, because of the increased risk of fluid slippage between the gears and chamber walls. Fluids should be clean and non-corrosive, preferably medium to high viscosity.
FOG Series :
- FOG Series – 08A (1/4”)
- FOG Series – 08B (1/4”)
- FOG Series – 015 (1/2”)
- FOG Series – 020 (3/4”)
- FOG Series – 025 (1”)
- FOG Series – 040(1-1/2”)
- FOG Series – 050 (2”)
- FOG Series – 080 (3”)’
Source: inaparts.com
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