FOG Series – 08A (1/4”) Oval Gear Pulse
FOG Series Pulse 08A is one of the small capacity meters in the FOG Series line and is differentiated by its flowrate capabilities. It has the ability to handle a wide range of fluid viscosities with exceptional levels of repeatability and durability.
Product Features
- Up to 1,000 cps viscosity.
- Compact size and extremely accurate even with viscous fluids.
- Meter design minimizes the number of wearable parts extending product life.
- Handles particle sizes to 0.005”/0.127mm.
- It comes with a combination board (includes Reed Switch/Hall Effect Sensor).
- Durable and serviceable on-site.
- Fitting Type : BSP or NPT(Female)
- Sensor : Reed Switch / Hall Effect Sensor
- Output : Pulse
- Display : Without display
- Flow range : 2 – 100 LPH (0.53 – 26.4 GPH)
- Accuracy : ± 0.5% of reading
- Repeatability : ± 0.03%
- Max.Viscosity : 1,000 cps

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