Roots Flow Meter is suitable for a Chemical solution such as Soda, Acid, Alcohol, Salt Solution, solvent, Petroleum, LPG, Fat, Oil, Coldwater, Hot water in a variety of industries.
Roots Flow Meter Specification
- Meter size: DN 25 – 200
- Accuracy : ± 0.5%
- Body Material: FC, Stainless Steel
- Rotor: Aluminum, Stainless Steel 304, 316L
- Display: 2 Total (1 Resettable, 1 Cumulative Flow Rate), Factory Calibration in gallons and liter. 2 User Calibrations.
- Temperature : 120 oC , 180 oC (Option)
- Pressure : 10 bar, 16, 24, 40bar(Option)
- Output : Pulse
- Power : Lithium Battery (4-5 years)
- Automatic On & Off
- Specific Gravity Compensation (0.01-2.00)

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