General Information
Seametrics EX100/200 Insertion Electromagnetic Flow Meter is the source of its reliability. Brass and stainless steel models withstand a variety of temperatures, pressure, and chemical conditions.
The EX-Series has no rotor to stop turning in dirty water and there are no bearings to wear out. Like all magmeters, when used in chemical injection applications, these meters should be installed upstream of the chemical line (or far enough downstream to allow complete mixing of fluids before the meter).

A rapidly reversing magnetic field is produced in the lower housing. As the fluid moves through this field, a voltage is generated that is measured and translated into a frequency signal proportional to the flow rate. This square wave signal can be sent directly to a PLC or other control or can be converted using any of the Seametrics family of indicators and converters.
A modular system of electronics can be attached directly to the flow sensor or remotely mounted. The Seametrics FT420 provides a full indication of rate and total, plus 4-20 mA output. The AO55 provides blind 4-20 mA output, and the DL76 is a battery-powered data logger.
Seametrics Electromagnetic Insertion Flow Meter
- Depth adjustable sensors.
- EX101 fits any 1-1/2″ pipe fitting (standard saddle, for instance) and adjusts to pipe sizes 3-10″.
- EX201 adjusts to pipe sizes 10-48″.
- Meter extends only about 1/8 of pipe diameter, minimizing the potential for clogging with debris
- Accept SeaMetrics modules for rate and total indication, 4-20 mA conversion, data logging, and flow switching.
- Alternatively, a signal can be sent directly to a PLC or other control.
- Available in brass or 316 stainless steel.
- Immersibility and reverse flow output available.
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