RHM08 Rheonik Coriolis Mass Flow Meter
Typical application includes:
- General Flow Control
- High-Pressure Gas Dispensing
- Addicting Dosing
- Mixing and Batching
- Chemical Injection
- Package and Container Filling
The outstanding features include:
- Standard pressure rating up to 1254 bar (11458 psi)
- Temperature rating from -196 to 350 Deg C (-320 to 662 Deg F)
- Mass flow uncertainly down to 0.10%
- Density uncertainly down to 0.05%
- Repeatability better than 0.05%
- Typical measuring ranges between 0.5 and 50kg/min
- Accurately measure low flow rate down to 300 g/min
- Unique robust torsion drove oscillation system
- Process Connection customization available
- Minimum pipe footprint versions available
- Approved for use in hazardous areas
- Stainless steel case
- Removable connection manifold version available for easy and efficient maintenance
- Remote and compact transmitter versions available
- Torsion oscillator design assures a stable and drift-free measurement with excellent signal to noise ratios.
- Resilient to external noise and vibration
- Insensitive to pipe pressure changes
- Robust tube wall thickness provides increased operational safety in abrasive applications
- Corrosion-resistant
- Long sensor life guaranteed due to low mechanical stresses in the meter mechanism
- No moving parts to wear or fail
Order Code Rheonik Coriolis Mass flow meter RHM08

Flow Meter Jenis Coriolis Mass Coriolis Flow Sensor :
Small Size Coriolis Mass Flow Sensor
Ideal for embedded systems and precise small flow applications
- RHM 015 Low Flow Mass Flow Meter flow rate
- RHM 02 Low Flow Mass Flow Meter flow rate
- RHM 03 Low Flow Mass Flow Meter flowrate
- RHM 04 Low Flow Mass Flow Meter flow rate
- RHM 06 Low Flow Mass Flow Meter flowrate
- RHM 08 Low Flow Mass Flow Meter flow rate
Medium Size Coriolis Mass Flow Sensor
Suited to industrial and process flow control and monitoring
Large Size Coriolis Mass Flow Sensor
Perfect for material movements in small and wide-scale operations
- RHM 60 Coriolis Flow Meter flow rate
- RHM 80 Coriolis Flow Mass Meter flow rate
- RHM 100 Coriolis Flow Mass Meter flow rate
- RHM 160 Coriolis Flow Mass Meter flow rate
The types of Coriolis Mass Flow Transmitter
- Rheonik RHE16 Coriolis mass flow transmitter Compact Multifunction
- Rheonik RHE15 Profibus DP Module
- Rheonik RHE21 explosion proof field mount Mass Flow Transmitter
- Rheonik RHE 26 Coriolis Mass Flow Transmitter
- Rheonik RHE 27 Coriolis mass flow transmitter
- Rheonik RHE28 Field / Wall Mount Coriolis mass flow transmitter
- Rheonik RHE45 Compact Mount Coriolis Mass Flow Transmitter
- Rheonik RHE42 Coriolis Mass Flow Transmitter
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For information Price, stock and other please contact : Wiratama Mitra Abadi
source: inaparts.com | www.rheonik.com